It’s hard to believe that it has been a few months since we posted an update, but we have had a lot going on at Reese’s House and in our personal lives. 

From a personal perspective, our Executive Director’s family experienced a major health scare. Thankfully, it was not the worst case scenario for them, but there are still significant issues that they are working through. The entire process was and is still daunting for their family and they have had to adjust significantly. They are moving forward with optimism, but always appreciate any positive vibes that you send their way. 

At Reese’s House, we discovered a burst pipe in one of the walls in our commercial kitchen. When we tore the wall apart, we found mold and a lot of damage. As a result, we had to submit an insurance claim to get everything remediated and reconstructed. Unfortunately, it has taken a few months to get through this process from start to finish. Thankfully, all of the work is now complete and we are ready to get back to work. 

Our calendar for July is filling up and we will be in touch soon with some public events that we will host at Reese’s House. Additionally, we are very happy to announce that we are ready to open our doors for private events! If you would like to use Reese’s House for a personal party, organizational or company meeting, community program or offering, a joint collaboration with us, or any other creative idea, you can reserve space by clicking here.

We’re looking forward to getting things moving in our community and hope that you join us!