by Our Future First | Aug 17, 2023 | News
We recently posted an update detailing how Millville Vice-Mayor Joe Sooy and City Solicitor Brock Russell reached out to our Executive Director Sean Thom to discuss us selling our building for Reese’s House to private real estate investors. Earlier this week,...
by Our Future First | Jul 31, 2023 | News
If you have been following the saga around the appeal of our zoning to operate Reese’s House as a community center, your brain is probably swirling trying to keep up with everything. Don’t worry, we feel exactly the same way! We haven’t been sharing...
by Our Future First | Jul 27, 2023 | News
We were ecstatic when we raised enough money to secure a mortgage to purchase Reese’s House, our multi-faceted community center in Millville in honor of Maurice Lewis. After years of holding our Back to School Shoe Drives, Holiday Toy Drives, and...
by Our Future First | Jul 26, 2023 | Events, News
The Millville City Commissioners have scheduled a meeting and possible hearing to determine if an appeal made 10 days late against the zoning approval for Reese’s House was filed timely. This will happen on Tuesday, August 22 at 5 pm at Millville City Hall (12 South...
by Our Future First | Jul 24, 2023 | Events, News
It’s hard to believe that July is almost over and that we are getting ready for our 5th Annual Back to School Shoe Drive! While we are sad that this means the end of summer is slowly approaching, we are incredibly excited to continue this tradition that has...