We all agree that we need change in our society, but we cannot create change as individuals until we listen and build as a community. This conversation is designed to do that, but with a specific focus on our young adults.
What does that mean? It means that this event is open only for individuals between the ages of 18-25 and the discussion will be led by community advocates in that same age range. If you are looking for a place to decompress with peers and like-minded individuals, you should join us! This is an opportunity for us to listen to one another and build together on where we go from here. We can accomplish incredible feats when we work together and this event is the start of how we organize to do just that!
Discussion Leaders: Tatiyana Stubbs, Director of Partnerships & Stephanie Risley, Director of Community Outreach
Zoom ID: 856 609 1234
Password: OFFZoom
Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/8566091234?pwd=RnpRTlVOdVdEYWRvbjJUUWJGL2xtdz09